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All photographs and content copyright of the McLartys Rankin Inlet  Nunavut , Lethbridge Alberta. Use in any way with out written permission not allowed ©DMcLarty 2024

Kivalliq-the central region of Canada’s Nunavut Territory

Whale Cove or Tikirarjuaq as it is known to Inuit is located on the west coast of the Hudson Bay and is North of Arviat and South of Rankin Inlet. The land around Whale Cove is rugged, with rolling hills and many small pristine lakes. Whale Cove’s people are closely connected with nature. This predominantly Inuit community still follows the rhythm of the seasons. In spring at the end of May it is rare for many people to remain in town. Most are out camping, fishing and hunting. Once summer hits (which is when the sea ice goes), the harvest of belugaís whales and arctic char begins.

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